Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase (Bacterial-like)

The bacterial-like leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS-B) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in protein synthesis by catalyzing the attachment of the amino acid leucine to its cognate tRNA: $ \text{Leu} + \text{tRNA}^\text{Leu} + \text{ATP} \xrightarrow{\text{LeuRS-B}} \text{Leu-tRNA}^\text{Leu} + \text{AMP} + \text{PP}_i $ LeuRS-B is found in most bacteria and organelles, and differs from the archaeal-like form [LeuRS-A](/class1/leu2), which is found in most archaea. Either type may reside in a eukaryotic cytosol. The two forms are characterized by their abilities to charge tRNAs corresponding to six different codons. In the standard genetic code, [ArgRS](/class1/arg) and [SerRS](/class1/ser1) are the only other AARS which decode as many as six codons. The structures of LeuRS-A and -B are distinguished by i) the placement of the editing domain within their primary sequence (Fukunaga et al. 2005), ii) the C-terminal domain which recognises tRNA (Tukalo et al. 2005), and iii) the LeuRS-B insertion module below, also known as the leucyl-specific domain (Cusack et al. 2000). LeuRS-A and -B alike are closely related to the [IleRS](/class1/ile), [ValRS](/class1/val), and [MetRS](/class1/met) families, which comprise subclass Ia (Perona and Hadd 2012, Gomez and Ibba, 2020). Members of subclass Ia are characterized by their hydrophobic amino acid substrates, as well as the connecting peptide 2 (CP2) and zinc finger (ZF) insertions, depicted below. CP2 is a 30-40 amino acid two-helix bundle on the surface of the catalytic domain (Starzyk et al. 1987) and appears to be essential for amino acid activation (Zhou et al. 2008). Upstream from this resides a cysteine-rich zinc finger, 20-40 amino acids in length, also essential for effective aminoacylation (Nureki et al. 1993, Sugiura et al. 2000). ValRS, IleRS, and LeuRS share a post-transfer [editing domain](/superfamily/class1/Editing_domain_1a), absent from MetRS. This editing domain typically resides within the zinc finger, providing further amino acid selectivity by expelling a wide range of mistargetted amino acids such alanine, cysteine, threonine, valine, isoleucine, methionine, homocysteine, and norvaline (Gomez and Ibba, 2020). However, unlike LeuRS-A, ValRS, and IleRS, the editing domain of LeuRS-B resides downstream of the zinc finger and CP2 (Fukunaga et al. 2005). Thus, the domain appears to have hopped between the two positions, or may have originated as a trans-acting factor. IleRS, ValRS, and LeuRS-B are further characterized by connecting peptide 3 (CP3), which contains a second zinc-finger motif in certain organisms (Fukunaga et al. 2005). Its functional role is unclear. The tRNA is recognised by two C-terminal domains (Tukalo et al. 2005, Rock et al. 2007). The first is a [helical domain](/superfamily/class1/Anticodon_binding_domain_CRIMVL) that recognises the anticodon binding domain, and is universal across the members of subclass Ia plus [CysRS](/class1/cys) and ArgRS. The second is a compact $\alpha$-$\beta$ domain unique to LeuRS-B. The domain is flexibly linked with the rest of the protein and mutational studies suggest it is essential for effective aminoacylation (Tukalo et al. 2005).


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